Strategic Plan Committee
Type: Working Groups
The ICOM Strategic Plan Committee (SPC) for the mandate 2023-2025 is intended to support the different associative bodies with the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2022 – 2028, overseeing the monitoring and advising on its implementation. The aim is to guide ICOM toward a successful future by devising effective strategies and engaging stakeholders during plan implementation.
Mandate: 2023-2025
Co-Chairs: Jane Legget, (ICOM New Zealand), Joana Monteiro (ICOM Portugal)
Members: Ech Cherki Dahmali (ICOM Morocco), Klaus Staubermann (ICOM Germany), Elisa Mencos (ICOM Guatemala), Elizabeth Duggal (ICOM United States), Solomon Nkwagu (ICOM Nigeria), Maria Amelia Sallum (ICOM Brazil), Muhammad Abbas (ICOM Pakistan), Emmanuel Hamatwi (ICOM Zambia), Michela Rota (ICOM Italy), Benedek Varga (ICOM Hungary)
Ex-officio: Emma NARDI (Italy) ICOM President, Jody Steiger, Executive Board Representative
ICOM Secretariat: Francesca POLLICINI (Head of Institutional Events)